Velmi povedený, velmi cynický a velmi hackersko-intelektuální slovníček informačního věku. V komentářích kdosi zmiňuje Ambrose Bierce a jeho Ďáblův slovník, což sedí. Pár hesel na ukázku:
Big Data: Data that is cheaper for a system to store than to sort into information, bullshit and noise (my modification of a definition due to George Dyson).
Creativity: The ability to turn noise into either information or bullshit.
Data: Any collection of information, bullshit and noise.
Intelligence: The ability to separate bullshit from information. Editorial note: I came up with this after a Twitter exchange. @SameerPatel tweeted a Stephen Hawking quote, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge.” I replied with my 2014 translation, “the greatest enemy of signal is not noise but bullshit” which I then adapted into this definition.
Sociopath: An intelligent and creative individual who does not drink kool-aid.Venkatesh Rao: An Information Age Glossary, blog Ribbonfarm
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